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Modern-day slavery statement


(1) The Company does not accept nor condone any form of modern slavery whether forced, compulsory or trafficked labour. Without limitation, the Company does not engage sweatshop labour, convict labour or indentured labour under penal sanction.


(2) All employees and subcontractors shall provide their services to the Company on an entirely voluntary basis and no one shall be forced to remain in the employ of OpusDatum against their will. Employees and subcontractors are free to leave after providing reasonable notice in line with their individual contracts of employment.


(3) The Company has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and encourages all employees and subcontractors to raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of modern slavery, in any part of the business at the earliest opportunity.


(4) All Supplier’s terms and conditions should include clauses specifically forbidding modern slavery, compulsory labour and human trafficking, including the requirement for them to conduct training to prevent this. Suppliers will be subject to checks to ensure compliance.


(5) Training will be provided to all employees and subcontractors in order to support the Company’s position on modern slavery, human trafficking and human rights.

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